
About us

In recent years, climate change has posed an increasing risk not only to humanity, but to the entire planet and the global economy. It is clear that climate change needs to be addressed collectively - by individuals, businesses and governments. At the same time, it is becoming clear that the links between climate change and business are inseparable. This is why it will be difficult to tackle the climate crisis effectively without the active engagement of industry and business. Investors, regulators and other stakeholders are now calling on business to take responsibility and adopt a comprehensive, strategic approach to tackling the crisis. But many management and supervisory boards are faced with the question of how to integrate a viable and effective green transition strategy into their business models.

For this purpose, we have established Chapter Zero Slovenia, the Slovenian Chapter of the Climate Governance Initiative, which was launched in 2019 in cooperation with the World Economic Forum. The Chapter network currently covers more than 50 countries, with more national Chapters in development all of the time. Chapter Zero Slovenia was established in 2023 on the initiative of the British-Slovenian Chamber of Commerce, the host organisation, Slovenian Directors' Association and Deloitte Slovenia, which together form the Management Board of the Chapter Zero Slovenia.

The aim of Chapter Zero Slovenia is to develop the competences of supervisory and management boards of companies in Slovenia to start addressing and tackling climate change and to equip themselves with the skills and knowledge on how to make climate change a boardroom priority.

Being a member of Chapter Zero Slovenia is free of charge.

With free membership*, you will gain access to:


✓ all Chapter Zero Slovenia events, workshops, webinars, and other activities,
✓ our monthly newsletter on various events and climate change related content,
✓ the expertise of companies that have already made climate change a boardroom priority,
✓ exchange of experience and knowledge with other members,
✓ networking and new connections,
✓ information on new local and international climate change regulations,
✓ local and international meetings,
✓ building unique and own expertise in topics related to climate risk mitigation, and much more.


* Members of Chapter Zero Slovenia can become board members and thus receive all the benefits of membership. If you do not belong to this category, you can become a supporter of Chapter Zero Slovenia. By becoming a supporter you will gain access to the monthly newsletter, other current news and certain events.


Honorary Chairman

Miha Košak
Vice Chairman of the British-Slovenian Chamber of Commerce

Management Board

Barbara Uranjek
CEO at the British-Slovenian Chamber of Commerce
Barbara Žibret Kralj
Country Managing Partner at Deloitte Slovenia
Irena Prijović
Executive Director at Slovenian Directors' Assocation

Legal support

Hana Šušteršič
Junior Associate at Law Firm Sibinčič Novak & Partners

Working group

Kim Turk Mehes

Head of the Working Group & Senior Manager, Government and Public Services / Sustainability at Deloitte

Alenka Recelj Mercina
Head of Sustainable Development at NLB d.d.
Ana Struna Bregar
CEO at Sustainable Business Network
Tina Kobilšek
Head of the Department for similar changes
Ladeja Godina Košir
Founder and Executive Director at Circular Change
Adriana Rejc Buhovac
Full Professor of Management and Organization at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics
Niko Korpar
Senior Consultant / Sustainability and Climate Change at Deloitte
Nina Kelemen
Sustainability Manager at Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d.
Mojca Markizeti
Sustainability, climate and ESG expert

Team members

Špela Drobnič
Events & Membership
Tara Pleško
Sustainability and PR Manager at the British-Slovenian Chamber of Commerce